Are you holding a Grudge?
Updated: Jun 8, 2023
What is a grudge?
Definition: a persistent feeling of ill will or resentment resulting from a past insult or injury. 2) Be resentfully unwilling to give, grant, or allow (something).
Who holds the grudge “You”, no one else is responsible for the energy and the fact that you are holding onto an extremely low vibrational feeling. There is no one else to blame, it always will come back to us.
You may disagree, that is the EGO wanting you to hold onto the grudge so “IT” can keep you in the drama, chaos, and negativity of the circumstance. It will have you believe it is in your own best interest. When the true reality of it all is, it is breaking you down emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, it is holding you hostage.
We all have stories around WHY and if we hold onto them long enough and replay it enough in our minds, we certainly convince the self-righteous part of us (The EGO) we are right, and they are wrong. Or we are the good guys, and they are the bad guys. Perfect scenario for the mind to keep us in drama, chaos, and turmoil.
Sound familiar? If you wake up keeping track of who has done you wrong and who you are mad at each day, you are in the drama cycle of the EGO. If you repeat the story to friends and family over and over, you are in the drama cycle.
Resulting in a very low energy, anger, fatigue, intolerance and most likely almost with certainty health issues. The body will take in all these emotions and manifest an illness.
You may have the thought that this grudge is so long standing it won’t go away overnight. This is farthest from the truth. Because we are powerful human beings with a very powerful mind. What feeds the mind and keeps the grudge in play are the low energy, negative thoughts. Keeping the drama cycle in action and creates drama, chaos and turmoil in our lives.
Are you ready to shift the grudge? There are several ways to accomplish this and what the result is, is a self-induced and self-appreciated FREEDOM!
Let me make a statement here: this can be easy, or this can be a challenge. It is how you choose to play the game. Are you willing to let go of being the Victim in the circumstance and take on the role of being Victorious?
You have that much power within you to make the choice.
Are you ready to take the first step?:
Ø Acceptance, acceptance that the grudge exists, and it had a purpose/lesson only you hung on to it playing a victim. The outcome it created is a negative outcome of Victimhood and long-lasting energy leak within you. One aspect to know or be reminded of is, acceptance doesn’t mean you agree with whatever has occurred you are making a choice to accept it for what it is, you no longer are holding onto it or have an opinion around it. You are “Letting it Go!”
Ø Forgiveness, this is a big step for releasing the grudge. Let me be clear here, this has nothing to do with the person, place or something you are holding a grudge around. What this is, is you are energetically cutting the cord to that energy that has been sucking you dry for however long you have allowed it to. In essence you are releasing yourself and cutting the energetic hold it has on you. What FREEDOM there is in this amazing gift to yourself Right!
Ø Stop the Stories, the what happened to me, no more stories around this grudge, no more victimhood, no more physical illness and no more mind power put towards it. Total FREEDOM will be felt.
Ø Say out loud The traditional Hawaiian ho’oponopono forgiveness prayer
ho’oponopono roughly translates to “cause things to move back in balance”
Repeat as many times as necessary, tapping your ♥ space at the same time.
1) Are you carrying a grudge? If so who and what is the grudge?
2) Are you willing to release the grudge?
* If So write it up with 5 statements of why you are holding the grudge. 5 statements of what benefit you will receive if you release the grudge. Say the Ho'oponopono prayer and burn the paper containing the grudge. NOW RELEASE!
3) If you are unwilling to release then ask the *5 statements of why and *5 statements of benefit. If you still chose to hold onto it remember the body will carry this grudge inside and it will create physical manifestations over time.
I am here if you have any questions or would like to work through a grudge to freedom.