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A Covenant to Self:

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

What is a covenant:

Definition: In its broadest sense, a covenant is a promise, agreement, or contract between two parties. As part of the covenant, the two parties agree that certain activities will or will not be carried out. BTW This is the non-religious definition.

While a covenant says between two people it can also be made between you and your Highest Self.

When we take a moment to go deep within ourselves and discover what is really essential to us, chances are we find a deeper meaning to who we are.

In doing this exercise we bring to light, what is important and bring forth our Integris behavior we wish to mirror in our everyday lives.

It also spells out what we are willing to honor about ourselves and the behaviors we either want to continue or want to eliminate. For example in my covenant I am choosing to have my thoughts more focused on abundance that lack.

How to write a covenant:

1) Identify behaviors you want to expand upon more of. For instance kindness, a covenant statement can look like this. I am choosing to be kind and loving more often.

2) After you have identified the behaviors there maybe a few you want to appear less in your life. For me it is the feeling of lack. My covenant state is ". I will no longer allow lack to enter my mind and I will keep my thoughts and actions towards abundance. I have abundance in my life, I will celebrate my abundance."

3) Once you have the main characteristics and behaviors identified. Those that you want more of and those that you want to reframe into a more positive thought form, you are ready to put it all together in positive statements, representing your commitment to your True Self and for the Highest Good of All.

4) A recommendation here is to allow the younger version of yourself to come forward, ask her/him what is it that you want me to honor in my adult self in the present moment?

Good Luck and enjoy!


1) Begin with the questions outline above. Spend the time and energy to capture what is in the silence of your mind.

2) Say a little mantra: I will be true to my highest self and allow all the goodness to come forth about "Who I AM".

3) Write your own covenant to support your desire towards being your Truest Self!

I am here if you have any questions or would like to invest in your covenant to your highest, truest self!

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