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Your Commitment

Saying "YES" is making a commitment to yourself

for your own spectacular growth.

Giving yourself the gift of "Being Seen & Heard".

I know because I hired a Coach 7 years ago

and it brought me to where I am today.

Enjoying the life I have created.


If you have that feeling of knowing there is something more for you to discover...

  • A desire of wanting more support to move forward.

  • A desire to discover more self-awareness and what triggers you.

  • A yearning to know more about why you respond to the world the way you do.

  • Seeking guidance and accountability through agreed upon action steps.

  • Wanting to breakthrough old patterns that are keeping you stuck.

  • Willing to and open to new perspectives, being presented for a big life shift.

  • Wanting to feel more spiritually connected in life.


Your Soul, your True-Self is ready.

Now it is up to you to honor you!


I am glad you found me and if you are truly ready to dig deep and hear your

Voice, I am here and ready to support, guide and mentor your journey.


Your journey may be a continuation of the work you have already started. 

The step you take with me

will lead you to ask the yourself revealing questions 

"how do I want to expand and move forward in my life today!"




"Change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Creator made wo/man to live in Partnership with. There is no other purpose.

"You Are Creator More Than You Know" Lou Austin

What a Coach/Mentor offers

Discovery of your True-Self:

Asking BOLD questions,

Offering alternative ways to look at a situation,  a shift in perspective,

deep listening, and guidance.

Working with you to discover

the answers you already have inside you.

You have your own guidance system.

With a focused partnership,

a fine tuning will happen and possibility for the first time, you will learn to hear and listen to what it has to say.

Through Action Steps, recommendations and guidance,  you will discover increased self-confidence, love, and compassion for self.

What a Coach/Mentor is not!

It is not therapy or counseling.

We are not here to plunge deep into your childhood. If you have Moderate to Severe Trauma the recommendation is to seek therapy that specializes in Trauma.

Mentoring is not:

Solving your life problems,

Diagnosis of Mental Illnesses,

Deliver Treatment plans for Mental Illness,

Your "Paid Friend"

Convincing you what is "Right" or the "Way to do it."

We honor the professionals in the mental health field, knowing when a patient needs therapy vs coaching/mentoring.





A circle can represent the idea of something being repeated over and over, such as a cycle, pattern, or routine. A spiral can represent change over time, as it moves outward and expands.
Which one do you want to travel along?
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