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World of WOW
"Women of Worth"

An Invitation to all Influencers come one and all to meet your Truest Self!

What could be possible in a woman’s life if they knew the power of their own influence? What could be possible in an employee’s life if they expanded that influence with conscious intention, knowing that the investment would uplift themselves and their workspace in ways nearly unimaginable? What could be possible in an organization where both leaders
and those being led, built on that conscious intention, creating a work environment that actually delivered on its vision of the best in human nature and performance?

When we see what is possible in ourselves, nothing is impossible to imagine in others.

The WOW© Three -Tiered Approach will:
 Launch a culture that rewards risk taking and courage- and rejects fear as its predominant model
 Introduce behavioral consistency and reliability as an expectation, rather than an exception in this
environment- an outgrowth of Self Mastery
 Activate emotional intelligence, enhancing individual flexibility and wisdom, and acceptance for 100%
 Create a culture that is courageous, compassionate, and committed; fostering emotional
intelligence as the tool that supports 90% of Leadership Success
 Change your culture by transforming the beliefs that block courage, compassion, and
commitment at an individual level.
 Introduce the “6 C’s” – a behavioral code of conduct:
1. Courage which drives integrity and builds trust
2. Compassion necessary to empathy- essential to being on the same page and team cohesion
3. Connection - recognizing that my decisions and behavior impact everyone around me
4. Commitment to resolve differences when it is easier to avoid them
5. Conviction to ideals, the capstone of an organization’s sustained success

6. Co-Creation where decision-making is focused on what is best for the “whole” vs. my personal needs

 With an interactive 3-Tier Approach you will meet yourself on the other side!


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