Victim or Survivor
How does one go from a PAIN filled world to a BLISSful one?
How does one go from a PAIN filled world to a
BLISSful one? How does one create a life of peace,ease, grace and joy? There's
a quantum flip that can happen in one's life when one chooses from
victim to being a creator. Science describes a Quantum Flip as the ability of
an atom or element in the quantum world to change directions instantly, without
ever slowing down to a zero-momentum state. Like rolling a marble up a hill... it
has to come to a stop in order to roll back down, quantum flip...there's no
slowing or stopping, just a flip from going one direction to another.
There are stages that one goes through to get from the Back
side of the Model/Victim to the Front side of the Model/Creator.
Stage 1:
this is where you see everything happening to you
and you have no controlover anything that happens to you. You blame
everyone else except yourself on how your life is. Youare completely
unaware of yourself as an influencer and have a strong sense of fatalism andresignation. "Life is happening to me and I have no control over it."
"This is just the way life is." You're born, you live,
you die.
Stage 2:
this is where most people reside. We no longer accept our miserable state
as away of life. We're in pain and perhaps I can do something about it.
We could be happier or healthier.We still see things as "good" and
"bad". By choosing to make more conscious thoughts and positiveactions, we can make the best out of a bad situation. Tag lines: "Though
life is happening to me, Ichoose to make the best of it." The view:
"Something is wrong, but I will fix it. It won't get the best ofme."
Making lemonade out of lemons is their slogan.
Stage 3:
This is a place where you know you create your life and everything thathappens
to you is always for your highest good. One sees the lesson or good news
in every moment. There is never any excuse to not do anything because
the moment you think it, it's created. It's beyond knowing things
intellectually, one has actually embodied our energetic or spiritual nature and identify with the energy being that we truly are. The quantum flip or shift
automatically occurs in asudden, radical, and comprehensive shift.
Ask yourself what stage do you MOSTLY put
yourself in right now?
By setting a small goal of 7 days, you can
start the process to making a quantum shift if you choose:pay attention to how
many shifts or choices you make to go from a NO (victim) to be in the YES
or(creator). Report back next week.
1. What has been the biggest life altering decision
you have ever made?
2. Think of the times you choose to live in
On a daily basis for the next couple of days, see how many thoughts and actions are geared round victimhood or the "No": not enough, not good enough, not worthy, no time, no money,no friends, my job doesn't appreciate me, I'm shy, I'm afraid of others will think of me if I speak my truth, too busy, not now, someone else will do it, I have health issues that keep me from doing things, blah blah etc. These are all excuses to stay in VICTIMHOOD.
3. Give an example and a percentage of how many of your thoughts and actions are based in Creator-ship or the "YES" in moving your life forward: with infinite possibilities. The
how moving forward doesn't matter, gratitude,abundance, peace, love, finding the joy in every
situation is all that matters. Stop and ask what's the lesson in it for me to learn? Being in the IAM...(Divine way of being a SURVIVOR THRIVER all the way!