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Are you a Manifestor? Have you activated your power to Manifest??

As soon as you enter this vortex, it begins the activation of the law of attraction in your life. The magic really happens when you start noticing the Universe/Source answering your desires. This is an energetic connection to all possibilities.  

You align with a vortex that is yours which holds all our manifestations and co-creations as Abraham Hicks says "Tuned In Tapped In and Turned On, you can't help but receive!

The Law of Attraction energy is a constant in our lives, delivering to us what we focus on, answering our vibrational energy, our thoughts, our feelings and our words. Our thoughts truely create our REALITY!

Some more than others are more aware and pay attention to the signs the universe gives us every nanosecond. Those that miss the signs are the ones that get caught up in busy lives and forget to look for the precious signs. The Universe hears us and is answering our prayers, wishes and desires as quickly as they are thought of.  According to Abraham Hicks it takes 17 seconds to get a thought's momentum going.  Our thoughts create our reality.

Let's raise our vibration and activate the law of attraction this week and ask the universe to show you a sign.  Something small, so you will know when you see the sign and that you were heard. Gabrielle Bernstein says think of something you wouldn't expect to see.


This could be a purple or orange car, a specific 3 digit number combination, a specific item (a butterfly or a symbol for example), it could be money (coins count!) or best yet a new circle sister.   Have fun, let it go and bring forth your manifestation.

Pick your own personal "Universe are you Listening Sign", ask the universe as if you have already received the sign, believe be open and present. 

Secret here: What emotion you feel as you are manifesting will encourange and enhance the manifestation. Emotions are energy and they are constantly broadcasting to the creation and attraction in your life.


1) What sign did you ask the Universe to show you? 

2) Did you see your sign? How many times?

3) How did you feel when you saw your sign? 

Reach out to me if you would like to talk about this topic.







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